
Anything Is Pawsable – Mary Lane
The Leash I Can Do – Deb Girvin  ​250-581-2169
K9 Companion – Maxine Gowan  250-919-2169
Let’s Talk Dog – Cheryl King  250-489-9209
Dog Zone Services – Kris Downey  604-866-5931


East Kootenay SPCA  250-426-6751
Meant 2B Pet Rescue
Barc’s Rescue  403-852-5357
Leslie Long Rescue  250-417-7803


Steeples Veterinary Clinic  250-489-3451
Tanglefoot Veterinary Services  250-489-1655
Cranbrook Veterinary Hospital  250-426-8517
Diane Skoberg Holistic Veterinarian   250-421-7939


Pretty Pooch Grooming  250-489-1110
Shaggy Wags Grooming   250-919-2994
Ruff 2 Fluff Dog Grooming   250-464-4270
Doggies Only 250-426-0634
Clip Joint 250-426-3661


Kootenay Canine Adventures  250-426-5505
The Playpen   205-426-6000

Cranbrook Pet Food Bank 


**For informational purposes only; not an endorsement of any business or organization.